Coming Soon – SETAC North America Presentations were added below on 10/4/2024.


8.02.P-Tu-219 – Safe and Rapid Development of Miniaturized Sensors Through Life Cycle Analysis, Hazard Assessment, and Environmental Resilience Approach: A Public-Private Effort
Jonna Boyda1, Alan Kennedy1, Wu-Sheng Shih2, Rishi Patel3, Cynthia Price1, Lauren Rabalais May1 and Mark Ballentine1, (1)U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), (2)Brewer Science Inc., (3)Missouri State University. 
SETAC North America, 12-16Nov 2023, Louisville KY.

2.14.P-Tu-099 – Don’t Blame the Nano: Nano Ink Toxicity to Daphnia Pulex
Mark Ballentine1, Lauren Rabalais May1, Jonna Boyda2, Natalie Barker3, Alan Kennedy4 and Kurt A. Gust3, (1)U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), (2)U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, (3)U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, (4)Environmental Laboratory, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
SETAC North America, 12-16Nov 2023, Louisville KY.

4.04.P-We-072 – Resilience of Two 3D Printed Polymer Nanocomposites to UV-Degradation in Environmental Applications
Alan Kennedy1, Cary Hill2, Mark Ballentine3, Andrew D McQueen3, Anthony Bednar4 and Michael Bortner5, (1)Environmental Laboratory, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, (2)ITA International, LLC, (3)U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), (4)U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, (5)Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
SETAC North America, 12-16Nov 2023, Louisville KY.

4.04.T-02 – Aquatic Toxicity of Nano Tin Oxide to Ceriodaphnia dubia, Daphnia pulex, Hyalella azteca, and Chironomus dilutus
Lauren Rabalais May1, Mark Ballentine1, Alan Kennedy2, Jonna Boyda3, Kurt A. Gust4 and Natalie Barker4, (1)U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), (2)Environmental Laboratory, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, (3)U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, (4)U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center.
SETAC North America, 12-16Nov 2023, Louisville KY.

4.16.P-Tu-168 – Microplastic and Nanoplastic Risks in Dredged Sediments: From Databases to Strategic Responses
Justin Wilkens1, Alyssa Calomeni2, Jonna Boyda3, Alan Kennedy4 and Andrew D McQueen5, (1)U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, (2)U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, (3)U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, (4)Environmental Laboratory, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, (5)U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC).
SETAC North America, 12-16Nov 2023, Louisville KY.

Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes Enabled Flexible and Scalable CO2 Sensors
Liu T., Baggett R., Lang K., Padilla D.J., Patel R.J., Berry J., Eldredge R.L., Robledo C.J., Bowen W., Landorf C.W., Kayastha V., Nelson M., Zhu J.
Carbon Trends 2023, 12 100291

U. S. federal perspective on critical research issues in nanoEHS
Carter J., Bjorkland R., Boyes W.K., Geraci C., Hackley V.A., Howard J., Kennedy A., Linkov I., Matheson J., Mortensen H., Muianga C., Petersen E.J., Savage N., Schulte P., Standridge S., Thomas T., Trump B., Nadadur S.
Environmental Science: Nano 2023 “Advanced Article”

Current advances in the biomedical applications of quantum dots: Promises and Challenges
Nhi L., Kim K.
Int. J. of Mol. Sci. 2023, 24(16), 12682

Apoptotic pathway protein expression variance in metal oxide and quantum dot treated HeLa cells
Harris, S., Kim K.
Micropublication Biology 2023

Acute and Chronic Toxicity of Uncured Resin Feedstocks for Vat Photopolymerization 3D Printing to a Cladoceran (Ceriodaphnia Dubia).
Ballentine, M., Kennedy, A., Melby, N., Bednar, A., Moser, R., Moores, L.C., Alberts, E.M., Laber, C.H., Crouch, R.A.
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 2023, 110(3), 56.

Red CdSe/ZnS QDs’ Intracellular Trafficking and Its Impact on Yeast Polarization and Actin Filament
Le, N., Routh, J., Kirk, C., Wu, Q., Patel, R., Keyes, C., Kim, K.
Cells 2023, 12(3), 484.

Non-ROS-Mediated Cytotoxicity of ZnO and CuO in ML-1 and CA77 Thyroid Cancer Cell Lines
Peters, A.N., Weaver, N.A., Monahan, K.S., Kim, K.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24(4), 4055.


Screen-Printed Resistive Gas Sensors Based on Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes and Electronic Design for Selective Detection of Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen (Oral Presentation)
Landorf, C., Baggett, R., Nelson, M.
MRS Fall Meeting Symposium NM02-Nanotubes, Graphene and Related Nanostructures, Boston, MA Nov 27 – Dec 2, 2022.

Screen-Printed CO2 Sensors Enabled by Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes (Poster Presentation)
Liu, T., Baggett, R., Chen, Z., Landorf, C., Kayastha, V., Padilla, D., Nelson, M., McCarthy, L., Zhu, J.*
MRS Fall Meeting Symposium SB06-Structure-Function Relationships and Optoelectronic Processes in Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Materials for Flexible Electronics and Photovoltaics, Boston, MA Nov 27 – Dec 2, 2022.

3D Printable CO2 Sensors Enhanced via Modified Carbon Nanotubes
CO2 Sensors (Invited Talk)

Zhu, J., Liu, T., Baggett, R., Chen, Z., Landorf, C., Kayastha, V., Padilla, D., Nelson, M.
International Conference on Flexible and Printed Electronics (ICFPE 2022, Jeju Island, Korea October 11-14, 2022.

Quantum Dots and Their Interaction with Biological Systems
Le, N., Zhang, M., Kim, K.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23(18), 10763.

Intracellular Trafficking and Distribution of Cd and InP Quantum Dots in HeLa and ML-1 Thyroid Cancer Cells
Zhang, M., Kim, D.S., Patel, R. Wu, Q., Kim, K.
Nanomaterials 2022, 12(9), 1517.

Simplifying Complex Contaminant Mixtures: Selective Ammonia Adsorption and Toxicity Reduction using 3D Printable Polymer-Zeolite
Kennedy, A.J., Ballentine, M.L., May, L.R., Das, A., Bednar, A.J., Griggs, C.S., Hull, M.S., Bortner, M.J.
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 2022, 233 (148).

Solving Familiar Problems: Leveraging Environmental Testing Methods for Nanomaterials to Evaluate Microplastics and Nanoplastics
Petersen, E. J., Kennedy, A. J., Hüffer, T., von der Kammer, F.
Nanomaterials 2022, 12 (8), 1332

Prenatal and Postnatal Dietary Exposure to Tin Dioxide and Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Did Not Lead to Morphological Abnormalities or Changes in Allograft Inflammatory Factor-1 in Pubescent Rat Kidney
Antonopoulos, S. R., Pedersen, J., and Durham, P. L.
Poster Presentation at Society of Toxicology, San Diego, CA March 27-31, 2022

Prenatal and Postnatal Dietary Exposure to Silver or Palladium Nanoparticles Causes an Increase in Iba1 Positive Macrophages in Pubescent Rat Colon
Satterfield, C. S., Pedersen J., and Durham, P. L.
Poster Presentation at Society of Toxicology, San Diego, CA March 27-31, 2022

Changes in Fecal and Cecal Microbiota in Male and Female Offspring Exposed Prenatally and Postnatally to Silver and Palladium Nanoparticles
Woodman S. E., Pedersen J., and Durham, P. L.
Poster Presentation at Society of Toxicology, San Diego, CA March 27-31, 2022

Effects of Silver Nanoparticle Exposure on Cell Viability and NFkB Gene Expression in a Neuronal Like Cell Line: Inhibition of Basal and Stimulated NFkB Promoter Activity
Keyes, C., Pedersen J., and Durham, P. L.
Poster Presentation at Society of Toxicology, San Diego, CA March 27-31, 2022


Environmental Life Cycle Assessment on CNTRENE® 1030 Material and CNT Based Sensors Environmental Laboratory
Chappell M., Shih, W., Price, C., Patel, R., Janzen, D., Bledsoe, J., Mangelson, K., Miller, L., Stevens, B., LeMonte, J., Demster, J., Kayastha, V., Landorf, C., Gibbons, S., Cox, C.
ERDC-EL TR-21-12, 2021-09.

Quantifying Mechanical Abrasion of MWCNT Nanocomposites Used in 3D Printing: Influence of CNT Content on Abrasion Products and Rate of Microplastic Production
Bossa, N.; Sipe, J. M.; Berger, W.; Scott, K.; Kennedy, A.; Thomas, T.; Hendren, C. O.; Wiesner, M. R.
Environmental Science & Technology 2021-07.

Transcriptome Profile Alterations with Carbon Nanotubes, Quantum Dots, and Silver Nanoparticles: A Review
Horstmann, C., Kim, Davenport, V., Zhang, M., Peters, A., Kim, K.
Genes, 2021-05, 12(6), 794

Comparing Transcriptome Profiles and Relative Toxicity of CdSe/ZnS and InP/ZnS Quantum Dots in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Horstmann, C.
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (Virtual) May 14, 2021.

An assessment of InP/ZnS as potential anti-cancer therapy: Quantum dot treatment induces stress on HeLa cells
Davenport, V.
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (Virtual) May 14, 2021.

Cd and InP Quantum Dot’s Impacts on ML-1 Thyroid and HeLa Cells and Their Inner Traffics
Zhang, M., Kim.
Poster Presentation Missouri Academy of Science, Columbia, MO April 23-24, 2021.

An Investigation on Transcriptome Profile Alterations and Toxicity of CdSe/ZnS and InP/ZnS Quantum Dots in Baker’s Yeast
Horstmann, C., Kim, K.
Poster Presentation Missouri Academy of Science, Columbia, MO April 23-24, 2021.

Nanoparticle Effects on Human Thyroid cancer cells 
Peters, A., Kim, K.
Poster Presentation Missouri Academy of Science, Columbia, MO (Virtual) April 23-24, 2021.

Comparing Transcriptome Profiles of Cadmium Selenide/Zinc Sulfide and Indium Phosphide/Zinc Sulfide in Saccharomyces cerevisiae 
Horstmann, C., Kim, K.
Genes 2021-03, 12(3), 428

An Assessment of InP/ZnS as Potential Anti-Cancer Therapy: Quantum Dot Treatment Increases Apoptosis in Hela Cells
Davenport, V., Horstmann, C., Patel, R., Wu, Q., Kim, K.
J. Nanotheranostics 2021-01, 2(1), 16-32


A Definition and Categorization System for Advanced Materials: The Foundation for Risk-Informed Environmental Health and Safety Testing
Rycroft, T., Kennedy, A., and Linkov, I.
Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Annual Meeting, Austin, TX [VIRTUAL]

Comparing Transcriptome Profiles of Cadmium Selenide/Zinc Sulfide and Indium Phosphide/Zinc Sulfide in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (P464) (Virtual Meeting)
Horstmann, C. and Kim, K.
Poster Presentation American Society of Cell Biology – Cell Bio Virtual 2020, December 2 – 16

Transcriptome Profile Alteration with Cadmium Selenide/Zinc Sulfide Quantum Dots in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (P827) (Virtual Meeting)
Horstmann, C., Kim, D., Campbell, C and Kim, K.
Poster Presentation American Society of Cell Biology – Cell Bio Virtual 2020, December 2 – 16

The Future of Anticancer Drugs: A Cytotoxicity Assessment Study of CdSe/ZnS and InP/ZnS Quantum Dots (P338) (Virtual Meeting)
Davenport, V. Hens, B., Smothers, J., Rizvanovic, H., Patel, R., Wu, Q. and Kim, K.
Poster Presentation American Society of Cell Biology – Cell Bio Virtual 2020, December 2 – 16

The Future of Anticancer Drugs: A Cytotoxicity Assessment Study of CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots
Hens, B., Smothers, J., Rizvanovic, H., Patel, R., Wu, Q., and Kim, K.
J. Nanotheranostics 2020-08, 1(1), 19-38

Chlorophyll concentration and carbon assimilation rate are sensitive indicators of nanosilver toxicity in Arabidopsis thaliana
Smith, N., Mays V., White, M., Wait, A. and Kovacs, L.
Poster Presentation American Society of Plant Biology – Plant Biology World Wide Summit July 27 – 31, 2020 (Virtual Meeting)
LINK, Poster

Harmonizing across environmental nanomaterial testing media for increased comparability of nanomaterial datasets
Geitner, N. K., Hendren, C. O., Cornelis, G., Kaegi, R., Lead, J. R., Lowry, G. V., Lynch, I., Nowack, B., Petersen, E., Bernhardt, E.
Environmental Science: Nano 2020


Transcriptome Profile Alteration with Cadmium Selenide/Zinc Sulfide Quantum Dots in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Cullen Horstmann, Daniel S Kim, Chelsea Campbell, Kyoungtae Kim
Biomolecules, 2019 Nov, 9 (11): 653

Methods Evaluation for Assessing Release of Manufactured Nanomaterials from Polymers, Consistent with the NanoGRID Framework
Haber, L. T., Bednar, A. J., Kennedy, A. J., Ballentine, M. L., Canady, R. A.
Advanced and Additive Materials: Sustainability for Army Acquisitions 2019

Detection and quantification of free carbon nanotubes in abraded polymer nanocomposites using UV–vis spectroscopy
Anas, M., Porter, E. B., Kennedy, A. J., Alberts, E. M., Green, M. J.
NanoImpact 2019, 16, 100190

Assessing the sustainability of advanced materials using multi criteria decision analysis and the triple bottom line
Rycroft, T., Wood, M., Zemba, V., Kennedy, A., Weiss, Jr., C., Ali, R., Desmet, D., Linkov, I.
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, August 2019

A framework and pilot tool for the risk-based prioritization and grouping of nano-enabled consumer products
Anas, M., Porter, E. B., Kennedy, A. J., Alberts, E. M., Green, M. J.
NanoImpact 2019, 16, 100190

Framework and pilot tool for the risk-based prioritization of chemicals and emerging materials in consumer products
Rycroft, T.
Tech Connect World Conference, June 2019

The new additive to EHS Risk: FROM EMERGENCE TO CONVERGENCE: GROWING DIVIDE BETWEEN INNOVATION & RISK ASSESSMENT. Tools and Techniques: Applying the Best Health, Safety, and Environment Practices to Advanced Manufacturing. Advanced Manufacturing Environmental Health & Safety Discussion Panel
Alan J. Kennedy, Mark Ballentine, Jon Brame, Erik Alberts, Lee Moores, Matthew Hull
Tech Connect World Conference, June 2019

A comparison of the effects of silver and cadmium nanomaterials on baker’s yeast
Cullen Horstmann, Daniel S Kim, Kyoungtae Kim
Missouri State University, College of Natural and Applied Sciences Symposium, May 2019

An investigation and comparison of the effects of silver and cadmium nanoparticles on baker’s yeast 
Cullen Horstmann, Daniel Kim, Kyoungtae Kim
Missouri Academy of Science, Maryville MO, April 12-13, 2019

A Definition and Categorization System for Advanced Materials: The Foundation for Risk‐Informed Environmental Health and Safety Testing
Kennedy, A., Brame, J., Rycroft, T., Wood, M., Zemba, V., Weiss, Jr., C., Hull, M., Hill, C., Geraci, C., Linkov, I.
Risk Analysis, March 2019

Transcriptome profile with 20 nm silver nanoparticles
Cullen Horstmann, Chelsea Campbell, Daniel Sungwhi Kim, Kyoungtae Kim
FEMS Yeast Research, Volume 19, Issue 2, March 2019

The Effect of Metal Composition and Particle Size on Nanostructure-Toxicity in Plants
Smith, N., Probst, J., Kovacs, L.G.
Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists Midwest Section, West Virginia University, Morgantown WV, March 17, 2019


A Transcriptomic Assessment of the Effects of CdSe/ZnS and InP Quantum Dots on Baker’s Yeast
Cullen Horstmann, Kyoungtae Kim
Midwest Yeast Conference, Northwestern University, Evanston IL, December 2018

A Genomic assessment of the effects of CdSe/ZnS and InP quantum dots on baker’s yeast
Cullen Horstmann, Kyoungtae Kim
Arkansas INBRE Research Conference, Fayetteville AR, November 2-3, 2018

Methodological studies for quantifying airborne release of nano- and nano-enabled materials using a fast mobility particle sizer
Albertsa, E., Moserb R., Kennedy, A., Bednar, A., Poda, A., Jackson C., Brame, J.
NanoImpact, July 2018, vol. 11, pp. 92-98

Advancing Sustainable Manufacturing of Carbon Nanomaterials and Devices Through Life Cycle Assessment
Shih, W, Chappell, M., Kennedy, A., Bledsoe J., Stevens, B., Miller, L., Wu, Q., Cox, C., Stone, W., Janzen, D., Gibbons, S., Landorf, C., Patel, R., Brame, J., Rycroft, T, Wood, M., Diamond, S., Edwards, D., Steevens, J.
TechConnect Briefs, May 13, 2018, Advanced Materials, vol. 1, pp. 268-289

Functional upregulation of ribosome biogenesis in yeast treated with silver or CdSe/ZnS nanoparticles
Kim, K.
Keynote speaker at World Yeast Congress, Montreal Canada, May 14-15, 2018

Silver nanoparticles on yeast viability with bioinformatics analysis
Horstmann C., Kim, K.
Annual Joint Meeting of the Missouri and Missouri Valley Branches of the American Society of Microbiology, Kansas City KS, March 9-10, 2018
Missouri Academy of Science, Rolla MO, April 27-28, 2018


The Effect of Silver and Cadmium on Gene Expression
Cullen Horstmann, Chelsea Campbell, and Kyoungtae Kim
Arkansas InBre, Fayetteville AK. Oct 27-28, 2017

Influence of CNTRENE® C100LM Carbon Nanotubes on the Growth and Regulation of Escherichia coli
Twibell B., Somerville K., Manani G., Duszynski M., Wanekaya A., Schweiger P.
PeerJ Microbiology Section, Aug 18, 2017, 15:e3721

Environmental Life Cycle Assessment for a Carbon Nanotube-Based Printed Electronic Sensor Platform
Bledsoe, J., Brame, J., Brondum, M., Chappell, M., Coleman, J., Cox, C., Diamond, S., Edwards, D., Gibbons, S., Janzen, D., Kennedy, A., Patel, R. Shih, W-S, Steevens, J.
TechConnect Briefs, May 14, 2017, Environmental Health & Safety of Nanomaterials, vol. 1, pp. 345-347

Health and Safety Screening of Advanced Materials: A User Interface for Test Design Selection and Documentation
Brame, J., Chappell, M. Diamond, S. Kennedy, A., Panchal, V. Poda, A. Rycroft, T. Shih, W-S., Wood, M.
TechConnect Briefs, May 14, 2017, Environmental Health & Safety of Nanomaterials, vol. 1, pp. 329-332

Quantifying Release of Nano- and Advanced Materials
Alberts, E., Brame, J., Jackson, C., Kennedy, A., Poda, A.
TechConnect Briefs, May 14, 2017, Environmental Health & Safety of Nanomaterials, vol. 1, pp. 325-328


Carbon Nanomaterials Alters Gene Expression Profiles
Woodman, S., Short, J., Gadila, S., McDermott, H., Linan, A., Bartlett, K., Schmelzle, K., Wanekaya A., Kim, K.
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, May 2016, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 5207-5217


RNA-seq Analysis in Carbon Nanostructure-Exposed Arabidopsis Thaliana
Linan, A., Voleti, R., Coleman, C., Su, Y., Wait A., Kovacs L.
Third Plant Genomics Congress USA, St. Louis MO, September 14-15, 2015